For over 15 years, Susie wanted a custom created sleigh. She had fond memories of taking the children to school on snowy days as a young girl.
We designed one in secret, looking off of other sleighs out there. With our location at the intersection of 2 State routes, snow roads suitable for a sleigh was almost never happening. So we wanted to incorporate flip down, flip up wheels, which were non-existent anywhere.
We designed our own sleigh, incorporating beautiful Iron railing designs for the runners. Designing sway bars and pivot points within the frame to allow for uneven terrain. The real challenge was flip up wheels. We engineered and re-engineered. 5 times, till we were satisfied with the result.
So Susie got a beautiful Christmas present, a unique sleigh that has no equal in the world. We even but brakes and lights on it, with all the requests we have for more, we want to put some miles on this sleigh to develop the design further.
What would the media say if they knew the Amish are starting to put wheels on their sleighs?
They would probably say “The Amish Are Adapting to Climate Change!”
But “No, the Amish realize there will ALWAYS be fluctuation in temperature and weather!”