A luxury condominium complex in Washington DC had a loading dock that had an access point just off the street. This area was separated from the main lobby entrance by a large stone wall. In the past, the staff and residents had experienced a security lapse when an intruder was able to access the building via the loading dock door. They contacted us to remedy this issue for them.
We met with a committee member onsite to evaluate the best solution for an entrance gate. The entrance did have some challenges as there was insufficient room for a hinged entrance gate. Also, the terrain was too uneven for a sliding gate. So, we tapped into our expertise to solve this problem. We proposed installing a cantilever gate behind the stone wall. When closed, the gate will block access unless someone has the code.
Another area of concern for this condominium was that the driveway gate opener. They wanted to make sure it would not be in the way of delivery trucks getting to and from the loading dock. They also desired the new gate to provide privacy and screening from the road, so that spectators cannot see into the private loading dock.
To remedy this, we proposed a new cantilever gate with a 4X4 square top and bottom frame. Furthermore, we suggested intermediate verticals to provide screening. We then proposed 1X4 vertical members at a 45 degree point to provide a formidable visual point along the top. Also, we proposed a custom gate directly beside the new sliding gate, which could be lockable, but also allowed for access to the opener and automation.
The next decision to be made was the color for the new driveway gate. After discussion and review, the client decided on a gray color to compliment the surrounding decor.
The entire cantilever gate project was 32 ft. wide and 6ft. tall. We had to make a custom trailer mount to be able to transport the gate to the site. With the gates towering 6ft tall, it made it quite the trip traveling south on I95 to the job site!
Once onsite, we had to pour the massive concrete foundations to support the cantilever of this long gate. Then, we hoisted the new gate into place and unto the cantilevered carriages that we anchored into the foundation. Then we adjusted the gate carriages to have the custom driveway gate run level and straight. We installed the driveway gate opener, as well as safety loops and photo eyes.
This new custom cantilever driveway gate provides privacy, safety and security for the residents of this upscale condominium in Washington DC.