Mainline Front Gate

Picture this!  Nestled among the busy streets of Philadelphia is an exceptional home built decades ago in a true mainline style. This house is eye catching, but missing privacy and security. So, the client decided they wanted a mainline front gate that looked original to the house. To start off the job we assessed the…

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Innovative Metal Stair Rail

A contractor was building a Center for art & design at a private school in New Jersey. The architect had designed a unique stair to provide access between the basement and the first floor. As part of the design innovation, he had integrated bleachers alongside this staircase. These bleachers were situated so that lectures could…

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Something Old, Something New!

An old car lot can look new! See for yourself how this PA used car lot revamped their curb appeal with just one custom rail! This car lot was undergoing an expansion adding additional showrooms to their site. They needed Iron railings to meet code requirements, as well as boost their visual appeal! The two…

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Screens of your Dreams

We had a seemingly impossible task at hand! See why! A beautiful waterfront estate in Maryland was undergoing a major upgrade. There had been 2 porches facing the water, on the north side and south sides of the house. The original screens were tattered, the frames were deformed, and numerous places had been patched together…

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Floating on Cloud 9

Our clients from New Jersey were floating on cloud 9 when they saw the results of their new floating staircase! What do you think? It all started in New Jersey with just an idea for an exceptional main staircase with a grand cathedral design. The owners wanted to enhance their beautiful staircase idea by adding…

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Bullet Resistant Riot Fence

 It’s January 6th, 2021. A new year has just begun, and the horrors of 2020 are now behind us… right? WRONG! All of a sudden the world is in shambles yet again, and the most powerful government in the world has been temporarily paralyzed. An angry mob stormed the U.S. Capital this day, and five…

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Love is in the Metal!

Love is in the METAL…I mean air! Everywhere you look, you see beauty and things that symbolize love, love, love! That’s exactly the atmosphere Brigalias, a beautiful wedding venue, along with the help of us at Compass Ironworks has perfectly created. This venue, and our company, were the perfect marriage! (Ok enough with the cheesy…

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Beautiful Exterior Safety Railings

Imagine walking down the streets of New Jersey, looking up and seeing balconies, terraces and steps on one exceptional home. They were breathtaking, but just one problem, they were not safe…yet! To meet safety requirements, the areas needed railings. We were here to help! We custom built beautiful exterior safety railings to fix this problem!…

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Realistic Natural Branch Railing

Imagine this: A couple in the Philadelphia area owns a beautiful house, but it was missing just one thing. A beautiful railing for their stair off of the patio! What can they do? They feel like they are missing a big part of their home…so, they chose us to create a realistic natural branch railing.…

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Breathtaking Waterfront Iron Railing

A Philadelphian couple was building their dream home on the New Jersey Shore. As part of the build they incorporated breathtaking iron railings to add to the beautiful waterfront view. It also added very classical design elements to the architecture of this exceptional home. See for yourself! Without compromising beauty for practicality, and to provide…

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