A Philadelphia homeowner had an exceptional property with a unique garden ecosystem that attracted butterflies and insect populations. As part of the property boundary, an iron fence design was proposed alongside the client’s driveway.
In the attempt to tie this iron fence into its natural habitat, a design was created with the implementation of ornamental roses and vines. These custom iron roses and vines, with their random orientation on each of the panels, brought a sense of art to this architectural structure. Additionally, custom scrollwork was implemented along the top of the fence; adding an architectural flair.
For aesthetic appeal and rigidity purposes, spectacular Iron columns were designed and attached to both ends of the strait boundary fence. The main posts were made of 1 ¼” solid bar with twist effects to break up the straight lines. And, to top off the massive posts, a ball finial and scroll design was attached for a strong visual impact.
The entire project was blasted, pretreated, primed and powder- coated black. Then the individual roses were hand painted red, orange, green and blue hues. These individually painted iron roses created a beautiful contrast that elevated the overall impact of the fence.
Now, due to the environmental synergy of this Iron fence and our craftsman’s’ dedication to quality and beauty, this Philadelphia client will be able to enjoy iron artistry for years to come.